
One sheet of parchment or paper folded in half to create two folios (leaves) or four pages.

One sheet of parchment or paper folded in half to create two folios (leaves) or four pages. Bifolia may be nested (placed one inside the other) to create a quire, or folded in half again to create a gathering of quarto leaves.

Sometimes referred to in the Latin form of the name: bifolium (plural: bifolia).

  • Amharic:
    ቅጠል,ኅላፍ, ሉሕ
  • Arabic:
    ورقة مزدوجة
  • French:
    Bifolio; Bifeuillet; Bifolium; Diplôme; Double feuille; Feuillet double
  • German:
  • Italian:
    Bifoglio; Bifolio; Diploma
  • Portuguese:
  • Spanish:
    Doble folio; Bifolio

Raymond Clemens and Timothy Graham, Introduction to Manuscript Studies (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2007), 11.