Bible moralisée

The most important type of medieval picture Bible, also known as the Bible historiée, Bible allégorisée, or Emblemes bibliques. Composed during the thirteenth century, it consists of short biblical passages and related commentaries with moral or allegorical lessons.

The most important type of medieval picture Bible, also known as the Bible historiée, Bible allégorisée, or Emblemes bibliques. Composed during the thirteenth century, it consists of short biblical passages and related commentaries with moral or allegorical lessons. These latter usually emphasized the connections between Old and New Testament events (see typology). The texts were accompanied by extensive illustrations. The most sumptuous extant Bible moralisée contains about five thousand images, in medallion form and is arranged in columns. Other sorts of picture Bibles also existed (see Biblia Pauperum).

  • Portuguese:
    bíblia moralisée
  • Spanish:
    biblia moralizada

Michelle Brown. Understanding Illuminated Manuscripts (Malibu, CA: J. Paul Getty Museum in association with the British Library, c1994).