Outline drawing

A style of illumination in which only the outlines of the figure or object are drawn, in black or colored ink.

A style of illumination in which only the outlines of the figure or object are drawn, in black or colored ink. There appears to have been a classical tradition of outline drawing that was adopted and developed in Insular, Anglo-Saxon, and Carolingian art. In an illumination, the technique could be used exclusively or in conjunction with fully painted elements. Outline drawing remained particularly popular in England, although it is occasionally found elsewhere in the West and in Byzantine art. It was also frequently employed in the rendering of diagrams. See also Tinted drawing

  • Arabic:
    رسم أوّلي
  • French:
  • Italian:
  • Spanish:
    Esbozo; Boceto; Bosquejo

Michelle Brown, Understanding Illuminated Manuscripts (Malibu, CA: J. Paul Getty Museum in association with the British Library, c1994).